Title 1 Information
Title 1 Board
Title 1 PAC Chairperson - Maria Caballero
Title 1 PAC Alternate Chairperson - Melina Larrandarte
Title 1 PAC Recording Secretary - Maria Guadagno
Title 1 PAC Corresponding Secretary - Devina Manniram
You can contact the Title 1 Board at the following email:
You can also follow us on Instagram:
What is Title 1?
Title 1 is the largest Federal Aid program for elementary, middle and high schools to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. Title 1 money is given to qualifying school districts based on the number of low-income families within each district.
What is the Goal of Title 1?
According to the U.S. Department of Education, the goal of Title 1 is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. Simply stated, Title 1 is all about improving student achievement!
Who We Are?
The Title 1 Parent Advisory Council (PAC) represents and is elected by the Title 1 parent community of their school. The PAC works to utilize a portion of the Title 1 funds to provide programs to help engage and empower parents to encourage their student’s success.
How Can You Help?
Attend our meetings and workshops.
Make sure you complete the attendance form at both.
Spread the word about our workshops to other parents.
How Should Title 1 Parent Involvement Funds Be Used?
A minimum of 1% of the school’s Title 1 allocation is set-aside to fund the parent involvement activities included in the school’s Parent and Family Engagement Policy and SPC (https://www.nycenet.edu/documents/oaosi/cep/2021-22/cep_Q108.pdf). The goal of these funds is to build the capacity of the school’s Title 1 parents to become effective partners with the school to improve student achievement. Title 1 schools and parents of students served in the Title 1 program must jointly agree upon the use of these funds to support increased parent involvement in all activities related to the improvement of student academic achievement.
Examples of Parent Engagement and Parent Education Activities:
Parent Engagement:
Parent committee meetings for shared decision making
Student and family science day at a local science museum
Saturday Academy for parents and students
Homework and mentoring sessions for families to interact with students
Family literacy and math night – family reading of big books for Pre-K and family math games
Homework help activities for parents and their children learning English as a new language
Parent Education:
In-person or virtual, parent and family trainings/workshops* to assist them in helping their child succeed academically
In-person or virtual professional development* for school leaders and teachers related to working with and building effective parent/family partnerships
Training for parents/families on working effectively with teachers to enhance student performance
Training for parents/families on building supports for their children, including health and nutrition services
Examples of Appropriate Expenditures and Activities:
Workshops for Title 1 parents about the following topics:
City and State Standards
Family Literacy
Promotion or Graduation Requirements
Title 1, Part A Requirements
School and District Accountability
How to Work with Your Child’s Teacher Using Technology (in-person or virtual)
Internet Safety or Bullying
Gang Awareness
Middle and High School Selection Process
Nutrition or Health
College and Career Readiness
Teacher-Parent Mentoring Programs
Creating a school parent newsletter, handbook or website
Effective practices for conducting virtual meetings
In-person or virtual staff-parent book clubs* (e.g. cost of books and materials)
In-person or virtual joint staff-parent professional development seminars* (e.g. cost of materials and presenters)
Partnerships with NYC Cultural Institutions
Creation of a Parent Resource Room or Lending Library
Reimbursement to parents for reasonable transportation expenses (e.g. MetroCards) associated with attendance and participation during Title 1 workshops, activities and meetings conducted in-person
Reasonable expenditures for light refreshments or food, during in-person parent involvement activities that extend through mealtime
Reasonable postage and mailing cost for engaging parents in their child’s learning
*-Contracted vendors may be used during virtual meetings.
Examples of Non-Allowable Expenditures and Activities:
Activities that do not relate directly to the Title 1 educational program or provide an opportunity to turnkey professional development content to Title 1 parents will not be allowed
Activities that do not have an intrinsic educational or cultural value will not be allowed (e.g. trips to amusement parks, visits to shopping centers, dinner cruises, or sporting events)
Theatrical performances (plays) that do not have an intrinsic educational or cultural value
Payments or stipends to non-DOE approved consultants or providers
Incentives that do not relate to the Title 1 educational program (i.e. tee shirts or mugs)
School dances (e.g. father-daughter and mother-son dances)
Recreational trips for students or parents
Staff salaries
Refreshments for regularly scheduled PA/PTA and SLT meetings
Postage, mailing and/or messenger for school business that are non-instructional
SLT remuneration payments.
Refreshments for virtual meetings.
If you have an idea for a workshop or event that can help empower our parent community, please let us know! We can be reached via e-mail at ps108qtitle1@gmail.com